Why We Must Return #Back2theKulture

Why must we return Back 2 the Kulture? Because our survival, as a People, depends on it. The Black World, through deception and force, was removed from our natural habitat. This natural habitat provided us with the ability to grow, to blossom, and to flourish. Our Souls were constantly nurtured through daily rituals, which strenthened our Spirit and gave us Purpose. We possessed Black Power, simply because we believed in and loved Self. We had our own Perspective, Philosophy, and Imagination; and these qualities granted us with limitless potential.

But once we accepted their “New World”, we lost our Way. Our Flavor wasn’t as potent. Our Colors weren’t as bright. Our Vibration wasn’t as Pure. We were robbed of our Languages, Names, Religion, History, and Self-Worth. No longer were we a self-determined and reliant people. No longer did we possess Kultural Pride and Dignity. Our entire existence of being was given an inferior status and we therefore began to integrate into the Kulture of our oppressors and exploiters. Our garden no longer received the Water, Sunshine, and Nutrients it needed. We were too busy cultivating the garden of others.

As a wise man once said, “God doesn’t expect Red Roses to turn Lilly White in order to give him Glory.” We all have a purpose in our existence, The Black World is no different. We exist, as Black People, because we have something special for the world.

We must return Back 2 The Kulture which made us Soronko - “One of A Kind”. The kulture where we developed Black Wealth - Spiritual, Creative, and Material. The kulture where we realized and recognized our Oneness with and within the vast Universe. The kulture where we cherished and appreciated our Natural Beauty. The kulture where our social environment was filled with Black Artists, Scientists, and Warriors. Our Paradise depends upon this Return. We control our Destiny. It is Time to move like it. #Back2TheKulture

“A race of people is like an individual…; until it uses its own Talent, takes pride in its own History, expresses its own [Kulture], affirms its own selfhood, it can never fulfill itself.” - Malcolm X


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