A Soronko Animation Series, Time Travelin’

The World We Come From is an Animation Series detailing, through colorful visuals, Historical Accounts given by Natives and Various Travelers within the Afrikan Continent. The True economic, social, political, and spiritual Reality of our Ancestors deserves to not only be told in writing but also through visuals, whether it be Film, Animation, Coloring Books, Magazines etc. Seeing is Believing. And as you know our Sole Mission is get you to Believe in (Y)Our Soronko , or in other words , (Y)Our Difference.

Afrika possessed and still possesses ABUNDANCE, WEALTH, RICHES, and PROSPERITY in not only the Material World but also the Spiritual, Philosophical, Scientific, Social, and Kultural World as well. We know this to be the case because Our Historical Truth has been partially documented by European and Arabian travelers who have given First Hand Accounts of Afrikan societies throughout the continent. In addition, within Afrika, many Historical Truths have been preserved through Oral History. Unfortunately, our own Afrikan authors written records have been destroyed and hidden from plain view but through Time and the Grace of The Most High our authored texts will become uncovered. In the meantime, let us continue to pave the way for a new Generation of Afrikan Children and inspire them to know that Paradise Awaits.


April 9, 1967: Anti-Semitic or Anti-White, By James Baldwin Part 1


Healing Through Whole Foods: A Guide To More Life, 1 On 1 With Kei To Health